School transportation at Vijaya

Not everyone owns a car and for most of the students, school buses are the only available and convenient means of transportation to the school.

School buses are the most convenient source of driving students to the school. okk lets see it this way- imagine, the parents of 40 students use their individual cars to drive them to and from the school, the pollution caused by those cars can affect our environment greatly. Using a bus can reduce the pollution caused by these individual cars and can make the air in the community cleaner.
And most important of all it is convenient!

The school has nine buses in total providing transportation facilities to the students. At vijaya, we take care of our surrondings, the students and the parents too.
As the seats are limited, The needy students are advised to reserve the seat at the time of admission. For any tour and trips, buses are arranged by the school itself.
Detail & timings can be obtained from the office. We do take care of the pockets and offer our services at a very modest cost. keeping cost in the mind we have decided to exempt the bus charges for the month of june.